It's been a while since I've posted - my apologies. However right now I'm in the throes of winding up my quarter. I can't believe that finals are two weeks away! ACK!
I'm up to my eyeballs in studying but wanted to bring you this powerful video. I was doing some research on neurological stuff, partly because that's our next area of coverage in patho class and partly because I had the opportunity to spend time with a young woman who recently suffered a stroke. Her progress has been amazing and I am honored to have spent time with her, laughing, joking and talking.
Anyway, a nursing forum I frequent led me to a site called TED: Ideas Worth Spreading. There is a video of a talk given by a neurological researcher who suffered a stroke in her late 30s. She recounts her experience and really details the loss of function in her brain and her levels of awareness through the entire ordeal.
It's worth eating your lunch at the computer to watch this one!
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8 years ago